Over a century of service A Timeline of Innovation in Water Management Systems
Remember that our team is always just a phone call away. Toll Free: +91 8459004436

2017Started the partnership firm Green-TRIZ Innovations. Design & Technology Development of Solar Pump, MNRE Certification of Solar Pump
2018Developed PHMC Recommendation as Innovative Startup from DKTE Technology Business Incubation Startup India Recognistion
2019BLDC Pump set development Developed DWLR
2020Developed Automated Rain Gauge Certification ISO 9001:15, CE Marking for DWLR Industrial Digital Twins (Plastic Pyrolysis Plant Digitization)
2021Developed water quality monitoring system Water disaster Early warning system
2022Water Management System Awarded DWLR order from NHP & GSDA Introduction of BRWHMS product
2023Incubated by IIT-B SINE Launched WMS Solution